Tuesday, February 2

No more sorrow, we're looking for a new car tomorrow.

So the beetle was never fixed, not yet anyway. We are going to look at cars tomorrow with the hope that we can afford one. There are many cars that we want, but we are looking at what is affordable. With that said, what's affordable to some is not affordable to us. We are broke. We have no money. There is a no interest for five years deal at Toyota though and we think we can afford a monthly payment. Barely, but we have no way to get anywhere if we don't try. We're thinking that if we can buy a car now that we will have at least one reliable mode of transportation and eventually, we will fix the beetle and have two. Hopefully you've been praying for it, so we can find out how to fix it ourselves or come up with the money. Whoever you are. I feel like I'm never going to catch up even if I got a head start, but I'm sure everyone has that feeling starting out. I know God will help us even though I feel a long way away. I know that we're blessed though and things would be a lot harder without my wife. She is pretty much the coolest person I know. The greatest.


  1. it's amazing how much you can stretch when you have no other choice, especially with prayer and a little faith! When William was out of work for a few months it was so scary, but you always make it through... some how... good luck!

  2. the green font color is hard to see with your new background G and K

  3. I love that you guys have a blog!! and being poor is rough! Story. Of. My. Life.

    But You guys will make it through!! Just think, in 10 years you will look back and see how livin' on love was a great experience.. its just hard to see it now.. but I love you guys!!
