And when summer school starts next Monday, I don't know how much time I will have to write. With work, Anatomy, and Physiology demanding so much of it. A little while back, I finished the first two books in The Hunger Games Trilogy, The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. I just recently started on the first few chapters of Mockingjay. Suzanne Collins is a brilliant writer. Inspiring really. If only I could write so effortlessly. She has done what so many other author's couldn't do, helped me to love reading. I must have been reading some crappy books. I guess that's why I registered for a Good Reads account. No more reading crappy books for me. I love to write, but I never really loved to read..outside of Morris the Moose, The Giving Tree, and the Dr. Suess books. The Curious George books and Where The Wild Things Are didn't take much reading. Then again, neither did the others. I blame all of the books that I've read. The books that just..weren't that good. Katie helped me too. In reading. She reads and she's so cute when she reads and I..am left out if I don't.

Hopefully all of this new reading will make me a better writer. Maybe it will make me crazy. I think most author's are. They come up with entirely new worlds and bring non-existent characters to life with just a few words. Maybe I want to be crazy too. The good kind of crazy. But only enough to publish a best seller. I'm starting to think I already am anyway. I'm a little obsessed with The Hunger Games books. And it all came from the mind of Suzanne Collins. That amazes me. She's pretty old and wise though. Makes me think I still have plenty of time. But the kid that wrote the Eragon books (Inheritance Cycle) was only nineteen when his first book, Eragon, was published. Shout out to Christopher Paolini. The guy is a genius. I'm sure an idea will come when the time is right. Back to The Hunger Games. Katie says Peeta reminds her of me, which is a huge compliment. Nicest guy in the world. And he's an artist.

I love the guy myself. But my favorite character is Katniss..and Mags. I like Mags too. She makes me laugh. An eighty year old lady that shows up just briefly in the second book. You should read the books. Just come yell at me if you hate them or I talked them up too much for you to enjoy them. But if you like them..a hug or something would be greatly appreciated. You might want to read them before the first movie comes out. It's being filmed right now. Jennifer Lawrence will be playing Katniss Everdeen. I'm pret-ty stoked about it. But I'm not pretty stoked about Lenny Kravitz playing Cinna. That's just..stupid.

I should go to bed. I need to pick up my small paycheck in the morning so we can go see
Amb read the Hunger Games and said they're awesome! I need to get my mitts on a copy fo sho.