Saturday, April 30

Day 49 - Wild Card.

Day 49 - A picture of where you live. A picture of..your favorite magazine.

So today is suppose to be a picture of where you live, but I've already posted pictures of Boise..and our apartment..and our room. I think you get the idea. And you probably don't really care that much about where we live anyway. So I'm going to make one up even though I still have no idea what it's going to be. I read a magazine today at work during my down time so..magazine it is. I decided I really like People Magazine. And that's real. You can make fun of me later if you want, but it was actually pretty interesting. Especially the recipes in the back. There were like ten recipes and every single one looked amazing. I can pretty much guarantee one of those recipe's will be in this week's dinner menu. I guess I could just read a food network magazine. That might be more exciting for me actually, but People Magazine has it all. I also thought it was cool that the magazine showed some of the new music artists for different genre's, their hit songs, and also other up and coming songs and artists. People Magazine is basically just a lot of news, mostly celebrity news. Some of the news and stories are pretty interesting. Like the news and coverage on the Royal Wedding. And I like to rate all of the new hair and clothing trends on celebrities before I look to see if the trends were rated "hot or not" by the magazine editors. I guess that's a little girly of me but whatever. I do me. There comes a time in life when we stop caring what other people think. I guess you can say I've reached that point. 
And here's where the little lesson comes in. People will judge no matter what..might as well be judged for who you are, (in my case, maybe a little girly) and attract those who accept you for "you". Hiding behind what's not you, will only slow your progress of becoming an individual. And thats the only thing I wanna be. My wifey loves me for me! So I'm gonna read People Magazine if I want. Bam. I also like Time Magazine.

Katie's favorite magazine is National Geographic, which I love as well. I know, I know. We're not really playing into our gender roles, which sometimes makes us different when it comes to the norms of society. She likes action-adventure and chick flicks. I like chick flicks..and action adventure. She likes animals and science. I like art and writing. She likes this and that. I like that and this. We balance each other pretty peanut butter and chocolate. Jiffy is wonderful and so are chocolate bars. But Reese's wins every time. Don't challenge us!

Day 48 - Just an Act.

A picture of your favorite actor/actress.

My favorite actor is Leonardo Dicaprio. I'm no Zac Efron, but I've got a little man crush. The guy is a stud! And a great actor. He's extremely talented and focused on delivering great performances. And inspiring. He kind of makes me want to be an actor. My recent favorite movies with Leo are Inception and Shutter Island.

Katie's favorite actor is James McAvoy. A Scottish stage and screen actor. Katie thinks he's an extremely talented much that she decided it would be a good idea to watch every movie with James McAvoy in it. And she did. Her favorite movies with Jamesy Boy are Penelope, The Last King of Scotland, Becoming Jane, and The Last Station.

Thursday, April 28

Day 47 - Fresh Fitted.

Day 47 - A picture of your favorite place to shop.

Oh man, this guy loves to shop. I know, I know. Guy. Shop. Whatever, I live for that ultimate find. Well, that's not exactly what I live for but you know what I mean. I search hard for what I wear. Right now, I'm too broke to buy anything but I like to shop at random thrift stores, flea markets, Buffalo Exchange, Urban Outfitters, gas stations..that's right, I said it. You can find some crazy stuff at gas stations sometimes. Some people call me a shoe whore. Maybe that's inappropriate. I don't know, but I love shoes. My favorite places to shop are the little hole-in-the-wall sneaker joints. And the little boutiques and surf shops on the coast. I like the retro and classic stuff. I can't wait until I'm making some good money, 'cause it's gonna' be on! I mean, I've got some money. But it's all in my savings. And I can't get it out, you see, it's the way my bank account is set up. It takes three business days. Who am I kidding? I'm so broke. I got that bank account line from Kevin Hart. The man is hilarious! I really want to get tickets to his "Laugh at My Pain" comedy show.

Alright. Moving on. Katie's favorite places to shop are Buffalo Exchange and Forever 21. She's actually the one who introduced me to Buffalo Exchange. She had to get me fresh fitted. You see, I use to make some bad decisions when it came to style. Except for my shoes. My shoes were always fresh. I was rockin' air force ones when I was like five. Katie isn't big on name brands, especially brands like Hollister and Abercrombie who only promote "size 0 waist" beauty..more like eating disorders. I probably have a Hollister shirt somewhere and I think Katie has a couple pairs of shorts (because they fit her well) but definitely not stores we like to support. Katie is a big bargain shopper. And she gets some really cute stuff for cheap. And even if it's not that cute on the hanger, it turns into cute when she puts it on. It's like magic. And it never fails.

Wednesday, April 27

Day 46 - Make a Wish.

Day 46 - A picture of where you wish you were right now.

Katie wishes she could be in Bury St. Edmunds, England right now..with her family. Bury St. Edmunds is about an hour and forty minutes northeast of London. The last time she was able to visit, she was only eight years old. She remembers how beautiful it was in the springtime and she can't wait to go back to visit again.

Bury St. Edmunds, England.

I wish I was back in New Zeland, but with my family this time. Plane tickets are so expensive and we're pret-ty poor so more realistically, I wish I was in San Diego already. We're going to San Diego to visit our family in May. We're celebrating my little broseph's high school graduation. We're going to Disneyland. And we're going to party!

New Zealand.

Abe Mora Photography.

San Diego, California.

Anaheim, Los Angeles, California.

Tuesday, April 26

Day 45 - At Our Place.

Day 45 - A picture of your room.

Because Katie and I live in an apartment, our room is just for sleeping (for the most part). And it's a little messy. And our comforter is a little wrinkled. My television wouldn't really fit without making our room look cluttered. But I may have to make room for it when I get my Playstation 3..or Xbox 360. That's right. I got Katie to agree on letting me get a video game system after I wrote a few of her four page essays for Jazz class. And it's totally worth it. Maybe it will show up around Christmas time. Maybe it won't. Maybe it will just be another distraction. Anyways, we like our little room, inside of our little apartment. And we like our little university, inside of the little city of Boise. We just hang out with each other and our little dog. And we walk these streets..together.

Monday, April 25

Day 44 - K.n.G. Look Alikes.

Day 44 - A picture of someone you’re told you look like.

God made us all different. The genes inherited from our parents determine the color of our eyes, skin, hair, etcetera. They decide how our faces will look, how our bodies will be shaped (for the most part), and how tall we will grow. There are thousands and thousands of these influential genes inside of each one of us..which means no one looks exactly the same. Even identical twins have differences and if you know them well enough, it can be really easy to tell them apart. So usually when we're told we look like someone else, it's someone easily recognized by the general public..a celebrity of some sort. And we never look exactly like the people we're told we look like.

Word on the street is I look like this guy. Adam Devine from Workaholics. I've never seen the television series, but apparently, he's my evil twin or something.

I also get, "You look like that serial killer from TV, Dexter," alot. So much that my co-workers in San Diego referred to me as Dexter. I don't think either of these guy's are really good guy's to be associated with. A crude, drugged out, fresh out of college, graduate..and a serial killer. I do love the television show, Dexter. And in Dexter's defense, he does only kill killers. Some even say I look like a white Kevin Durant with long hair. Some being my little broseph and James. But personally, I think I look more like the Adam guy.

Apparently, Katie looks like an Ashley..or an Ashlee. Either way of spelling works. She gets Ashley Tisdale from people the most, which she doesn't like very much.

But people also say she looks like Ashlee Simpson. Katie says the Ashlee Simpson before the nose job though. Katie thinks she has a big nose. And she thinks other people think she looks like Ashley and Ashlee because of her nose. I don't know. I personally think she thinks too much. I like Katie's nose just the way it is. And that goes for the rest of her too.

Sunday, April 24

Day 43 - I Can't Function Without You.

Day 43 - A picture of something you can’t function without.

Katie can't function without her Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm. I never see her lips chapped, but it's probably because she uses it..a lot. My lips get pretty chapped sometimes, I try to fix them as I search my pockets for my lost Burt Bee's. Somehow, my Burt's Bee's chapstick always ends up in Katie's purse..or the wash. Maybe because I don't check my pockets before I throw my dirty laundry in the hamper. But if it ends up in Katie's purse, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't see it again. So as much as I love Burt's Bee's..and as smooth as it makes my lips after I use doesn't stay around for long, which is a shame. I really wish I could find a way to keep it safe so when my lips are dry and hurt real bad, Burt's Bee's can come to the rescue. But instead, it's laying at the bottom of a washing machine somewhere. Or wrapped up in a bag with handles and thrown over my wifey's shoulder. She's probably even using it, pretending like it's hers and letting me use it on long as it's put back in its proper place.

As great as Burt's Bee's chapstick is, I can still function without it. I do function without it..often. But I can't function without the four seasons and the holiday's throughout the year. Especially holiday's like today, Easter Sunday. As we go throughout our day, I hope we can remember our Savior, Jesus Christ. Passover Thursday, with His pascal lamb. Atoning Friday, with His cross. And today, Resurrection Sunday, with His empty tomb. He walked such a long, lonely path as He acted on His Father's will. Our world is in need of His love and light. All that he asks is that we follow Him. God is real and He lives. And Jesus Christ really did atone for our sins. Wishing all of our friends and family a happy Easter. From Katie and Gabe.

p.s. I just designed a logo for the Boise State University Invisible Children Club. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, April 23

Day 42 - Future Cribs.

Day 42 - A picture of your dream house.

So Katie has no idea what she wants her dream house to look like. Realistically, I like to think that I just want a cozy three or four bedroom home..depending on how many kids we end up with. Not too big. But a newer model and it should be..pretty. I guess it will be pretty expensive, but only because of the location. I think within a fifteen to twenty minute walk to the Pacific Ocean sounds nice. Maybe in North County San Diego or Carlsbad. Or maybe in Santa Cruz. I don't really know. I haven't thought that far ahead yet. But when I think of a "dream" house, I think outside of the box. And I go big. A house that I'll probably never have. But then again, maybe I will.

Living on top of a waterfall would be nice. But I would have to purchase the house commonly known as "Fallingwater." Designed by Frank Loyd Wright. And I'm sure it's very expensive. And it's in Mill Run, Pennsylvania. No thanks.

I guess I could live on top of a mountain. Train and come down the mountain on weekends to ruin everyone else's chances of winning in marathons. And I could enjoy mountain outdoor activities on a daily skiing and snowboarding. But it gets really cold up there..and I like the sun. And I like the ocean.

Even a house on a river or a lake would be nice. But I'd still rather live close to the ocean.

A beach house would be nice as well. Then I would be right next to the ocean. I could watch the dolphins from the big dining room window as I eat my fruity pebbles. Then, walk out my back door..or front door, directly onto a white sandy beach. I would never have to wear shoes again. And I could surf all day with no worries and no stress. Unless there was a tsunami. That could be a worry. Or California breaking off from the rest of the United States. But then I would just live on an island and I like to think of that as an upgrade. But the tsunami is enough to make me not want to live directly on the beach..and the crowds of people in the summertime.

On second thought, I think I like the idea of not knowing. We'll let the future surprise us. Because where ever we end up, we're there because that's where God wants us.

But whatever house we end up in, I want my kids to have pirate bedrooms. Just sayin.