Two of the hottest people I know.
Umm, I think my wifey is hot. But you already know that. Let me see if I can think of a celebrity that is hot..in my opinion. I think..Zooey Deschanel is hot. She's in..Elf, Yes Man, 500 Days of Summer, and a few others. And also at the top of my list (I don't really have a list, it's just a figure of speech) are Natalie Portman and Carrie Underwood.

Besides myself, Katie thinks Joseph Gordon Levitt is hot. Well, she actually said he was cute which is a better word in my opinion. I'm not a huge fan of the word "hot." And neither is Katie. I like cute, pretty, gorgeous, and beautiful. And maybe handsome for a guy. I'm not sure if that's outdated. I haven't heard anyone use the word in a while. Joseph Gordon Levitt is in 10 Things I Hate About You, 500 Days of Summer, Inception, and many other movies..that Katie likes. But if we're just talking hot people in general, Katie wins. And I'm pret-ty sure I win in her book too. And she doesn't really have a book. Just wanted to make that clear.

And the two celebrity hotties together.

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