Day 55 - A picture of the last movie you saw in theaters.

So the last movie we saw in theaters was Water for Elephants. I wanted to see Rio but because Katie really wanted to see Water for Elephants, I let go of my own desires. And I was kind of interested myself. Turns out that I really enjoyed the movie. It's a drama based on the acclaimed best seller, Water for Elephants, of course. In the movie, Robert Pattinson plays the Veterinary school student, Jacob, and Reese Witherspoon plays Marlena, a star performer in a circus during the Depression-era. Critics rated Water for Elephants 58%, while users gave it a higher rating of 82%. I'd go with the higher rating of 82%. And that's why I'm not a critic.

The last movie we saw in theaters before Water for Elephants was Rango. And I loved it! Even more than Water for Elephants. Katie didn't really like it, because she thought the characters were too creepy-looking. And they kind of were, especially for a children's movie. But that didn't kill the movie for me. In the movie, Johnny Depp is Rango, a Western Chameleon. This household pet goes on an adventure to discover his true self. Critics gave Rango a better rating than users did at 89%. Users gave it a 72%. And now I'm sitting with the critics.

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