Day 54 - K.n.G. vs. Wild.
Day 54 - A picture of the one thing you would bring if you were stranded on a deserted island.

Today, Katie called me to tell me Lupe Fiasco would be at our school on Saturday. You can probably guess that I was pretty excited, especially when I found out the concert is free..with free food. I love Lupe a guy love kind of way. Right after Katie called, I tried to call my brother..but I accidently called Katie back again. She didn't answer, but I told her through a text message that I was trying to call my broseph. She replied back, "You know he's at school, right?" By the time I received her text message, I had forgotten that I texted her about accidently calling her. So when Katie said, "You know he's at school, right?" I thought she was talking about Lupe Fiasco so I grabbed my cap and my backpack, threw a hoody and a granola bar in it and ran out the door as fast as I could, trying not to trip over my untied shoelaces. Lupe's new album is called Lasers and it is sick! I messaged Lupe on Twitter to ask him if he would sign two laser tag guns if I brought them to the concert. I guess we'll see. When I was running around our apartment, I guess I got a little taste of what it would be like to quickly take one last thing. Even though I took like four. And I'm not really sure how you can take one thing when you're already stranded on the deserted island. I would hope it wouldn't be a granola bar. The hoody might help at night and the cap would help to shield the sun, but I was only taking them to get them signed by Lupe. It turns out Lupe wasn't at the school, I searched a couple different buildings before Katie realized that I was at school, looking for Lupe Fiasco. What a stalker, huh? But I think if I could choose one thing, it would be a boat..that runs. But to take a boat, I would need a trailer to get it in the water. And that would be two things. I'm still not quite sure how you would bring something with you when you're already stranded. Maybe if there was a genie inside of a lamp inside of a cave on the island, he..or she could grant me a wish, but then I'd just wish to be off the island. So if I were to bring one thing with me, I would bring a..machete. During my time in New Zealand, I noticed every islander had a machete with them..pretty much at all times. They kill fish and animals with them, cut coconuts down from the trees, open coconuts, cut down branches and small trees, etcetera. I think it's a pretty smart tool to have. It can be used for pretty much anything.

Katie would like to enjoy one last Mountain Dew before dying on the island. But when she thought about leaving me on the island alone, she decided she would try to survive and take a swiss army knife instead. I think a knife could save our lives. We could make a shelter, kill our food, cut wood to make fires, and hope it rained occasionally to collect our water. Now that I think about it, maybe a really good water purifier would be good to get the salt out of the ocean water. Or one of those combat-net radio's.

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