Day 04 - A picture of your night.
Allo mates. I'm Gabe Lawrence. I hang out with Katie Lawrence and this is our day and night. The lonely nights. They fade away, he slips into his white nikes. Nothing like a little Kid Cudi to set the mood. After class, Katie and I met outside of the library. I know, pretty sexy. We walked to institute of religion and proceeded from there. After discussing how afflictions help us to learn and progress, we started walking to the gym. It was rainy and almost noon and we really needed to go to the gym next..but we didn't. We skipped out on the gym just this once. And it really is just this once. Who am I kidding? We're a little ashamed, but sometimes we just..don't go. Katie and I skipped to the shuttle stop. You know, skipping burns more calories than running. We've got to get that exercise in somehow. We get home, play with Jimi, listen to some jams, and get ready for our night. First, we drove over to the Woman of Steele Art Gallery. We went so I could get extra credit in my Art History class. Pssh, like I need it. There were a couple of cool pieces of artwork, but the place was kind of depressing. We stayed for the writing workshop at the beginning and then got out quickly. Next on our agenda was The Blue Door Cafe. We went because they have live jazz and Katie has to write about a live jazz band for her Jazz class. School is planning our dates, how wonderful. We ordered an extra large pizza after I convinced Katie to share a pizza with me. It was half chicken bacon ranch and half meat. I think it was salami, italian sausage, pepperoni, and two other types of meats. Sorry vegetarians. The live jazz was bumpin. The drummer was brilliant. He had some insane beats. I was impressed. They had this kid, John Martin, come up to play the alto saxophone and he was seriously good and only a freshman in high school.

Katie and I talked and listened to the live jazz as we ate our candlelit pizza dinner. How romantic. For dessert, we shared creme brulee and left happy.

On the way home, we saw a pretty cool man-made waterfall and river. I wanted to stop so we turned around. We parked next to some random restaurant and walked down to it. Some lightspeed cat darted out in front of us and scared the crap out of Katie. The scream is what scared me. I thought she was going to have a heart attack. We're too young for heart attacks..I think. At least that's what I want to hear. We walked down to the river to look at the waterfall and took some pictures and Katie almost fell in. Don't worry, it's not unusual for Katie to scream and fall a few times. It's actually pretty normal. She keeps my life exciting and that's why I love her!

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