Isn't she adorable? When we lived in San Diego, Katie and I walked on the beach. A lot. On January 19th, 2009, we went on a walk at Torrey Pines. The date is on the picture guy's. I'm not that cool. We followed one of the many trails down the Torrey Pines cliff as we enjoyed the beautiful coastal scenery, wildflowers, and of course, the rare Torrey Pines. When we got down to the beach, we climbed on top of one of the rocks and put our feet in the water. The water was cold. Really cold. So we didn't get in. Instead, we talked and took pictures of ourselves. And the ocean. And the rock. When we were ready to leave, Katie told me to hold the camera. So I did. Katie and the waves aren't really friends, so I told her she had to time her jump perfectly when getiing off of the rock. Yeah, Katie has bad timing. She was soaked. And she looked so cute. And then she laughed. And her laugh makes me laugh.
Katie makes me laugh a lot, but I don't want to overwhelm you with pictures of us. So on to the next.

If you don't already know, this is a picture from a scene in Chronicles of Narnia. Katie and our friend, Alyssa, are nerds and are in love with Peter. And obsessed with Chronicles of Narnia. I guess cropping their faces into the picture was the only way they could be part of Chronicles of Narnia. Unless they had the dog Blue with them, from Blues Clues. Blue skidoo, we can too! I mean, it is a pretty funny picture. It's funnier if you know Katie and Alyssa. And it makes Katie laugh.
This post is pure sweetness. And I love it. There is nothing more special than those simple memories made with the one you love!