When I think of the person who has gotten me through the most, I think of Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus Christ was sent to sacrafice His life for me and for everyone who has ever lived and will live. I believe he suffered the penalty for sins, removing them if we just have faith in Him and repent of things that we do that are not according to His commandments. Christ suffered so much that He bled from every pore in the Garden of Gethsemane. Nails were driven through His hands and His feet on Calvary, where He sacraficed His life. I believe that Jesus Christ was the only one capable of carrying out the Atonement for all mankind. Because of His Atonement, all people will be resurrected, and those who follow Him will receive the gift of eternal life with God and their families forever.

Christ has helped me through the toughest times in my life. Knowing that He suffered for me through His Atonement has helped me to move forward. To stand a little taller. When I feel I can't walk any longer, He picks me up and carries me. I know God and Jesus Christ love me. They are real and I know that They live.

I'm not sure if "person" includes the Son of God, but Jesus Christ is God and Man. Christ has also gotten Katie through the most in her life, but she wants to recognize someone else as well. Her best friend, Shalis.

Shalis moved to San Diego during a difficult time for Katie. She helped Katie through some of the toughest times in her life. Shalis helped Katie to come back to church. And this is the best part. Shalis introduced Katie to me!

Shalis is one of the most caring people we know. She never judges anyone and reaches out to everyone. Right now, Shalis is serving a mission in the Phillipines and we miss her very much! But we know she is serving our Heavenly Father by teaching those that she meets about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and inviting them to come unto Him. Shalis will be leaving the Phillipines and returning to America in July! And then we're gonna party!

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