I wish I could forget about our financial situation. Or the time I got spanked in front of my class by my second grade teacher. Or the speeding ticket I just got yesterday. But sometimes instead, we forget about the things that are really important, when really, we should forgive ourselves and forget things that happened in the past that maybe we aren't happy with. Or maybe it's someone else that we should forgive. Whatever it is, we should always move on and try to be a little better. Stand a little taller. I'm still sad about my speeding ticket. We were driving back from Burley, Idaho when it happened. We spent the last couple of days of our spring break with friends there and we left to drive back to Boise a little later than planned. I was a little tired, not really paying attention to the speedometer, and wanted to get back to Boise before I was too tired to drive. And then..sirens. I haven't had a speeding ticket in a really long time and sometimes it's hard to forgive yourself for something that could have been so easily prevented. But it has to be done.

Katie wishes she could forget the years she spent taking classes she doesn't need..and her exes. But we won't talk about those. She needed the classes at the time, but Katie has switched her major many times. After switching her major at least four different times, she is back to nursing with me. So she wishes she could forget about all of the classes that she worked so hard in that aren't required for nursing. Because of all of the major changes, she's a little further behind than she wants to be. But really, who cares? She's still in school now and she plans on staying in school until she is finished..however long it takes. And we're in it together. That's what really matters.

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