Day 39 - A picture of your favorite movie.

Allo again. I would like to introduce you to my favorite movie. Office Space, this is my audience. Audience, this is Office Space. Oh wait. Hi Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Audience, I would like to introduce you to my favorite movie, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Okay, you got me. I don't really have a favorite movie..but I like comedies more than most other movies. They take the stress of the world away and lighten the mood. If I had to pick, then it would have to be Office Space..and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Not necessarily in that order either. You can critique my choices if you want, but I have two favorites. I love hearing what others favorites are. They're usually movies that I also love. And if I haven't seen it, you may just convince me to add it to my Netflix queque.

Katie has a tie..between three movies. And she's allowed to have three favorites..I guess. Just because she's Katie. And she calls the shots around here. I'm only kidding. Sometimes she lets me call some of the shots. My hats off to any of you who can choose just one favorite. If you're a poor college student and you just sit at home studying and watching movies like us..and cuddling, you would realize how hard choosing one favorite is. Enough rambling from me, Katie's favorites are Jurassic Park, Love Actually, and Troy. Jurassic Park is a classic. Love Actually is just..romantic and brilliant. And Troy. I have no idea. It's not even historically accurate. I'm just kidding but seriously. I like Troy too. But seriously, it's not historically accurate. It's a good..fiction. I guess they could have made it historically accurate, but the movie was already too legit to quit.

Oh and I almost forgot..Jumangi. It's a favorite too! I think it was the first movie I ever saw in theaters. And I loved it! It was either Jumangi..or Eraser.

I've never seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I'll have to rent it. Hello Netflix.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite movies are Gladiator and The Princess Bride. Michael doesn't really have favorites but if he did I think he'd pick the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I'm a big sci fi nerd. I'll always have a soft spot for the first 3 Star Wars flicks (which technically only count as 1 movie). NausicaƤ and Mononoke-hime (two of Hayao Miyazaki best movies in my opinion, he's like the Walt Disney of Japan, only better). I love the modern Romeo and Julet (with Leonardo DiCaprio). I still find Zoolander to be hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI love gladiator..and princess bride! haha. I also like the modern romeo and juliet, and of course, zoolander. i'm not sure what forgetting sarah marshall is rated, but the guy is naked for like the whole beginning of the movie. hah just a heads up.
ReplyDeleteand lord of the rings..BOSS!