Day 49 -
So today is suppose to be a picture of where you live, but I've already posted pictures of Boise..and our apartment..and our room. I think you get the idea. And you probably don't really care that much about where we live anyway. So I'm going to make one up even though I still have no idea what it's going to be. I read a magazine today at work during my down time so..magazine it is. I decided I really like People Magazine. And that's real. You can make fun of me later if you want, but it was actually pretty interesting. Especially the recipes in the back. There were like ten recipes and every single one looked amazing. I can pretty much guarantee one of those recipe's will be in this week's dinner menu. I guess I could just read a food network magazine. That might be more exciting for me actually, but People Magazine has it all. I also thought it was cool that the magazine showed some of the new music artists for different genre's, their hit songs, and also other up and coming songs and artists. People Magazine is basically just a lot of news, mostly celebrity news. Some of the news and stories are pretty interesting. Like the news and coverage on the Royal Wedding. And I like to rate all of the new hair and clothing trends on celebrities before I look to see if the trends were rated "hot or not" by the magazine editors. I guess that's a little girly of me but whatever. I do me. There comes a time in life when we stop caring what other people think. I guess you can say I've reached that point. And here's where the little lesson comes in. People will judge no matter what..might as well be judged for who you are, (in my case, maybe a little girly) and attract those who accept you for "you". Hiding behind what's not you, will only slow your progress of becoming an individual. And thats the only thing I wanna be. My wifey loves me for me! So I'm gonna read People Magazine if I want. Bam. I also like Time Magazine.

Katie's favorite magazine is National Geographic, which I love as well. I know, I know. We're not really playing into our gender roles, which sometimes makes us different when it comes to the norms of society. She likes action-adventure and chick flicks. I like chick flicks..and action adventure. She likes animals and science. I like art and writing. She likes this and that. I like that and this. We balance each other pretty well..like peanut butter and chocolate. Jiffy is wonderful and so are chocolate bars. But Reese's wins every time. Don't challenge us!

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