Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.
Of course I miss all of my family..and Seth, Curtis, Kevin, Alexie and Michael Sorenson and all of my fam in New Zealand. But most of all, I miss my broseph. He's the only guy I really hang out with besides a select few. You know who you are. I miss playing b ball upside the crib. Mama's crib..and dad's. It's his crib too. I miss having Madden tournaments while mama fixes up some gumbo or jambalaya. I miss Sunday's especially, the only time Katie and I really had to spend with just family.

Katie really misses her family as well as her friends in San Diego. But most of all, she misses Shalis.
Shalis is the person I miss most because I haven't seen her in almost sixteen months. She is serving a mission in the Philippines. Shalis is the type of person who is always herself and won't change for anyone. It's one of my favorite things about her. She is my best friend because she's a total nerd like me. We love to talk about nerdy things like astronomy, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Even on her mission, the first thing she wanted to know when she wrote was what I was learning in my Physiology class. She is the person I believe understands me best out of my friends. All of these reasons make me miss her so much and I can't wait for her to come home. Plus, now that we live in Boise, we can hang out all the time! Until we finish school anyway.
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