Day 25 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
When you grow up with siblings who have your same genetics, you find insecurities in your differences. And when other people find those differences, they point them out as if you didn't already know. So even if you thought you were exactly the same, someone will eventually tell you that you're not..and they will most likely point out why. It's funny, the things people do to make conversation. "You all look so much like your mother, but your nose is much bigger. You must have gotten your nose from your father. You will grow into it, just like your little brother will grow into his ears." That's just a true story I made up. I mean, I made up the conversation but conversations like these happen all of the time in everyone's lives. Nature versus nurture is a strange thing. Even those of us that share genetics, homes, routines and parents, are still completely different. I guess the point I'm trying to make is everyone is different and everyone finds insecurities in their differences which means everyone has an insecurity. Even Siamese twins.
Katie's insecurity is her learning disability which I still don't even believe she has. But then again, I know she's not lying. She pinky promised. Regardless, it's still hard for me to believe. But apparently, her learning disability is in reading comprehension. When I first met Katie, she never wanted to read in front of me so I read to her. When she finally read to me, I couldn't understand why she was scared to read in front of people. And I still don't. Katie is the smartest person I know. Even the names of some of the classes she takes at Boise State University scare me. And Katie takes them for fun. Google has nothing on her. Katie is always studying and for that, I admire her..and adore her.

Believe it or not, I have a few insecurities myself. I'm a perfectionist. Sometimes I'm self conscious of my smile. I'm not really sure why. I have teeth, none of them are missing, they're pretty white..and straight. But I think my biggest insecurity is my hair. I feel like Harry Potter, always walking around with my messy hair. Every once in a while, I catch myself checking my hair in a window reflection as I walk by. Maybe because I'm not ridiculously good looking so I feel my hair has to look perfect to make my face look better. I know, it's ridiculous. I'm a lot better about it now. But I have to say, I'm jealous of Uncle Jesse from Full House. He has always had perfect hair.

Why can't a heterosexual guy,
ReplyDeleteTell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his 'hair' is fly.
Not all the time, obviously, just when he's got a problem with his self esteem.
Gabe you got it going on.
haha. Thanks, pal. Don't let anybody tell you you're not humpable. Because you're bumpable. Well, I hope this doesn't make you feel uncomfortable.