Day 43 - A picture of something you can’t function without.
Katie can't function without her Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm. I never see her lips chapped, but it's probably because she uses it..a lot. My lips get pretty chapped sometimes, I try to fix them as I search my pockets for my lost Burt Bee's. Somehow, my Burt's Bee's chapstick always ends up in Katie's purse..or the wash. Maybe because I don't check my pockets before I throw my dirty laundry in the hamper. But if it ends up in Katie's purse, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't see it again. So as much as I love Burt's Bee's..and as smooth as it makes my lips after I use doesn't stay around for long, which is a shame. I really wish I could find a way to keep it safe so when my lips are dry and hurt real bad, Burt's Bee's can come to the rescue. But instead, it's laying at the bottom of a washing machine somewhere. Or wrapped up in a bag with handles and thrown over my wifey's shoulder. She's probably even using it, pretending like it's hers and letting me use it on long as it's put back in its proper place.

As great as Burt's Bee's chapstick is, I can still function without it. I do function without it..often. But I can't function without the four seasons and the holiday's throughout the year. Especially holiday's like today, Easter Sunday. As we go throughout our day, I hope we can remember our Savior, Jesus Christ. Passover Thursday, with His pascal lamb. Atoning Friday, with His cross. And today, Resurrection Sunday, with His empty tomb. He walked such a long, lonely path as He acted on His Father's will. Our world is in need of His love and light. All that he asks is that we follow Him. God is real and He lives. And Jesus Christ really did atone for our sins. Wishing all of our friends and family a happy Easter. From Katie and Gabe.

p.s. I just designed a logo for the Boise State University Invisible Children Club. Let me know what you think.

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